
Amberzine Magazine issue 16 – PDF


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Amberzine Magazine issue 16 – VICTORIAN


Dear readers,
we are excited to share our magazine’s Summer issue with you. Just like the rest of the world, we are making out of isolation, hoping that soon the pandemic would become history, but for now it’s still our reality. Back in Spring, we chose our summer issue’s Victorian theme, and this great style with its pompous romanticism suits amazingly for experiencing the joy of making out of the quarantine and into the summer of 2020. Why do we like watching films about good old times full of lofty passions and noble manners? We just can’t take our eyes off the screens, watching Jane Eyre or The Forsyte Saga. This is not just because we are mesmerised by the stories of love, devotion and loyalty. It is also the details which do not seem so obvious: flowing fabrics, rustling of crinolines, seductive but really elegant décolletage and feminine corsets. The fashion industry is going through tough times, trying to figure out which tendencies are ruling the day.

Perhaps, this is why fashion designers are coming back to Victorian era with its stability and simplicity. Its beginning signifies the birth of the classy English lady most women have been trying to copy ever since. To process and embrace this new trend, you need to look for inspiration inside yourself because only you know which romantic heroine of the Victorian era looks like your role model.

Inga Raduga
Amberzine Magazine Editor-in-Chief

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